Genes, Memes, and the Slow Death of Science
We compare genes and memes regarding their respective ecological niches. Is scientific progress under threat?

Genetic Degeneration
Genetic degeneration is a process in which harmful mutations accumulate within a population, leading to reduced genetic diversity, decreased health, and lower vitality in offspring. One striking example of this phenomenon is seen in purebred dogs, such as hip dysplasia in German Shepherds or cardiomyopathy in Dobermans. These conditions are often linked to inherited genetic defects that emerge due to the limited genetic variability within purebred populations.
The causes of genetic degeneration can be traced to two key mechanisms. The first is inbreeding, where closely related individuals reproduce, increasing the likelihood that harmful recessive mutations will be expressed in offspring. The second is genetic drift, which refers to random changes in allele frequencies within a population. Genetic drift is particularly significant in small populations, where random events can override natural selection and allow harmful mutations to persist.
To mitigate genetic degeneration and ensure the long-term survival of populations, conservation biologists apply the 50/500 rule. This guideline suggests that a population requires at least 50 individuals to avoid inbreeding and 500 individuals to minimize the effects of genetic drift and maintain adaptability. However, this threshold is not universal and can shift depending on various factors.
External factors like habitat destruction or climate change can shrink populations, amplifying the risk of genetic degeneration. Similarly, human activities, such as overhunting or pollution, can erode genetic diversity. Internal factors, such as high inbreeding rates or a small initial population size, can further accelerate degeneration. Conversely, maintaining stable environments, facilitating migration to promote genetic flow, and increasing population size can help preserve genetic health and diversity.
Memetic Degeneration
Richard Dawkins introduced the concept of memes as cultural analogs to genes—units of cultural information transmitted from person to person. Much like a genotype, every individual harbors a unique memotype, encompassing a collection of cultural ideas, habits, traditions, expressions, and values. Memes, like genes, evolve, mutate, and undergo selection processes. Drawing from this analogy, it is reasonable to hypothesize that a minimum population size is necessary not only for genetic stability but also for the preservation and evolution of cultural memes.
This idea parallels the 50/500 rule used in genetics. A sufficient population is needed to ensure the survival and growth of cultural memes. Endangered and vanishing languages exemplify the fragility of cultural transmission. Research indicates that to prevent a language from extinction, it is crucial not only to have a sufficient number of speakers but also to ensure active language transmission across generations. Estimates of the critical mass for language survival range from a few hundred to thousands of speakers, depending on the specific linguistic and cultural context.
A historical example of cultural dynamics is the church-led prohibition of close-kin marriages in medieval Europe, which we discussed in details before. While such marriages were common in traditional societies and fostered large families and rigid class systems, they often resulted in small, insular cultural populations. These communities, while genetically viable, were culturally stagnant due to limited exchange of ideas. In contrast, medieval Europe, where the church discouraged inbreeding, fostered smaller family units and greater societal mobility. This openness enabled a richer exchange of cultural memes, ultimately driving dynamic historical and cultural transformations.
Technological Degeneration
Humanity’s accumulated technical knowledge can also be viewed as a collection of cultural memes—ideas, skills, and technologies passed from individual to individual through education, practice, and collaboration. Like biological and cultural memes, technological memes are not immune to extinction. History is replete with instances of lost technologies: the Tasmanian Aboriginals lost the ability to create fire, and modern engineers struggle to fully recreate the Saturn V rocket engine from the 1960s. Such cases illustrate memetic degeneration, where technologies fail to be transmitted and are lost forever.
When examining the process of scientific progress, the risks of memetic degeneration become even clearer. Science is becoming increasingly specialized, with some research topics pursued by only a handful of individuals worldwide. This concentration often falls well below the threshold needed for the long-term survival of a memotype, making such narrow fields prone to stagnation or extinction. The greater the specialization, the higher the risk of losing these unique scientific "memes," ultimately slowing the overall pace of progress.
Additional challenges arise from the structure of scientific mentorship. Researchers often "reproduce" through asexual means, with graduate students inheriting knowledge predominantly from a single advisor. In foundational sciences, the selective pressures on ideas are weak; untested or unprofitable ideas may languish for decades without broader engagement. While applied sciences face stronger selection pressures due to practical demands, they are often driven by short-term goals and commercial interests.
Some mechanisms in modern science help counteract these risks. International funding programs and academic exchanges enable scientists to interact across cultures and disciplines, acquiring new memes. Interdisciplinary research fosters the cross-pollination of ideas, reducing the likelihood of intellectual stagnation.
What Can Save Science?
- Increasing the Number of Scientists: Expanding the pool of researchers reduces the burden on individuals and ensures a broader base for the transmission of knowledge.
- Encouraging Interdisciplinary Research: Connecting disparate fields generates new memes and revitalizes old ones.
- Promoting Mobility Among Researchers: Frequent changes in research environments and collaborative projects across institutions enhance the exchange and evolution of ideas.
Scientific progress, like biological evolution, thrives on a balance of specialization and diversity. Recognizing the memetic aspect of knowledge transmission can help create a more resilient and dynamic system for the advancement of human understanding.
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